Cat and Dog Vaccinations in Millis, MA

Millis Animal Hospital is dedicated to delivering comprehensive preventive care, including a broad array of cat and dog vaccinations in Millis, MA. Our customized vaccination programs are crafted to safeguard your pets against serious illnesses, enhancing their overall health and longevity. Staying current with vaccinations not only benefits your pet but also helps maintain the health of our community at large.

Contact us at (508) 376-5317 or request an appointment below to schedule your pet's vaccinations.

Dog And Cat Vaccinations In Millis Ma
Vet Tech Kissing Orange Kitten
Close Up Of Black And White Puppy

Our Core and Lifestyle Vaccines for Dogs

At Millis Animal Hospital, we offer essential core dog vaccinations in Millis, MA, which include:

  • Distemper: Shields against the distemper virus, which can cause severe respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological symptoms.
  • Rabies: A mandatory vaccine that helps prevent the spread of the lethal rabies virus among animals and people.

Additionally, we offer vaccines based on your dog’s lifestyle risks:

  • Leptospirosis: Advised for dogs that often explore outdoor environments, particularly those with wildlife and standing water.
  • Lyme Disease: Offers protection from Lyme disease for dogs at risk of tick exposure.
  • Bordetella (Kennel Cough): Essential for dogs that frequent boarding facilities, daycares, dog parks, and grooming establishments.
  • Canine Influenza (Bivalent): Provides immunity against both strains of the highly contagious canine flu virus.

Protective Vaccinations for Cats

Cats tend to spend more time indoors than dogs, but they can also be at risk for infection. We recommend the following vaccines to help shield cats from various diseases:

  • Rabies: Crucial for the prevention of the fatal rabies virus, which affects the central nervous system just as it does in dogs and other mammals.
  • FVRCP:Offers protection against multiple ailments: feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia (feline distemper).

For cats with unique exposure risks, we provide:

  • Feline Leukemia (FeLV): Recommended for cats that have contact with other cats, whether they are outdoor adventurers or reside in a home with multiple cats. We exclusively use Purevax, non-adjuvanted vaccines to ensure maximum safety and effectiveness.

Why Choose Millis Animal Hospital for Your Pet’s Vaccinations?

Choosing Millis Animal Hospital for your pet’s vaccinations helps them receive the latest protection against diseases like rabies, parvovirus, and distemper. Our skilled veterinary team tailors vaccination plans to your pet’s specific health requirements and lifestyle, providing optimal care and protection throughout their life.

Ensure your pet's safety and well-being by scheduling their next vaccination update. Call us today at (508) 376-5317!