Protecting Dogs and Cats from Fleas, Ticks, and Heartworms in Millis, MA

Protecting Dogs and Cats from Fleas, Ticks, and Heartworms in Millis, MA

A single bite from a mosquito, tick, or flea can pose significant health risks to your pet. Dogs and cats are attractive targets for common parasites like fleas, ticks, and heartworm-carrying mosquitoes. These pests feed on warm-blooded animals, making our pets ideal hosts. But beyond snacking on your pet, parasites can also transmit various diseases. At Millis Animal Hospital, we work to reduce the risk of parasites in dogs and cats with consistent preventive care in Millis, MA, including quality medications and annual screenings.

Ensure your pet is fully protected against parasites. Contact us at (508) 376-5317 or schedule an appointment today!

Parasite Prevention For Cats And Dogs In Millis Ma
Staff Member Smiling And Holding Small Golden Retriever Puppy
Doctor Examining Small Puppy On Leash

Understanding the Impact of Fleas

Fleas are common parasites that lay their eggs in the fur of animals they infest. They can transmit other parasites like tapeworms and diseases such as Murine typhus. Fleas also cause dermatitis (skin irritation) and, in severe cases, anemia.

A single flea can produce nearly 50 eggs a day, leading to a significant infestation that can affect your pet’s well-being. Flea infestations often spread to the home, embedding in carpets and furniture and becoming challenging to eliminate. The best strategy is to prevent an infestation before it begins.

The Hidden Danger of Ticks

Ticks are larger than fleas but can be just as hard to detect. They often hide in shrubs, tall grass, and wooded areas. If your pet runs through these areas, they might pick up a tick or two. Once attached, ticks feed on your pet and can transmit diseases like Lyme disease, typhus, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Some of these diseases can affect humans, making ticks doubly dangerous. Always inspect your pet (and yourself) thoroughly after spending time outdoors.

Heartworm Disease and Your Pet’s Health

Heartworm-carrying mosquitoes present a serious threat to your pet. A mosquito bite can transmit heartworm larvae to your dog or cat, which then develop and move toward the heart. The heartworms multiply in the pulmonary artery, causing restricted blood flow, heart disease, and major organ failure. In severe cases, heartworm disease can be fatal. The condition is treatable in dogs if detected early, but its complex nature makes heartworm prevention a cornerstone in your pet’s parasite prevention plan.

Strategies for Preventing Parasites in Dogs and Cats

Regular use of flea, tick, and heartworm preventives is crucial to keeping your pet free from infestations and parasitic diseases. Annual parasite screens and other lab workups help monitor your pet’s internal health. Parasite-transmitted diseases often take time to show symptoms, and we aim to protect your pet from unnecessary discomfort or illness.

Consult with your veterinarian at Millis Animal Hospital for guidance on safeguarding your pet.

Our team is here to provide the information you need to keep your pet and home pest-free. For questions or to book an appointment, call us today at (508) 376-5317!