Cat and Dog Microchipping in Millis, MA

At Millis Animal Hospital, we provide cat and dog microchipping services in Millis, MA to enhance your pet's safety and give you peace of mind. A microchip, the size of a grain of rice, is implanted under your pet's skin and carries a unique identification number. This number can help reunite you with your pet if they ever become lost.

Schedule your pet's microchipping appointment by calling (508) 376-5317, or request it at your next visit!

Dog And Cat Microchipping In Millis Ma
Spotted Brown Dog On Leash
Staff Member Holding Small Dog In Lap

What’s Involved in Cat and Dog Microchipping?

Microchipping is a quick and safe procedure, similar to a routine vaccination. The chip is inserted between your pet's shoulder blades using a sterile needle. This one-time procedure offers a lifetime of identification for your pet. Each microchip has a unique ID number that must be registered in a national pet recovery database. This number links to your contact details, which can be updated anytime without replacing the chip.

Advantages of Microchipping Your Pet

  • Permanent Identification: Unlike collars and tags that can be lost or damaged, a microchip lasts forever.
  • Quick Recovery: Veterinary clinics and animal shelters nationwide have scanners to read your pet’s microchip ID, helping speed up the reunion process.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your pet has a permanent form of identification provides reassurance if they ever go missing.

Microchip Your Pet Today

At Millis Animal Hospital, we’re committed to safeguarding your pet’s well-being in every way possible. Microchipping is a straightforward, effective, and affordable method to ensure your pet can always find their way back to you.

Contact us at (508) 376-5317 to schedule a microchipping appointment for your pet.